Is Telegram really anonymous - IM softwares
Now, more and more people wants to be anonymous. Telegram, an IM known as *"focus on security and privacy"*, is chosen. But, does Telegram really "focus on security and privacy" as it advertises? A...
Now, more and more people wants to be anonymous. Telegram, an IM known as *"focus on security and privacy"*, is chosen. But, does Telegram really "focus on security and privacy" as it advertises? A...
We collected several best or most popular DDos Tools for DDos testings.The collection will keep updating, adding new tools & tutorials.
libpng is more stringent about checking ICC profiles than previous versions. In Qt, if you use certain formats of PNG images, you may get a warning 'libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profi...
It's necessary to execute system commands sometime. system() is the most basic, it's easy but cannot hide the black command line window, its options are not much enough. Here're some better ways.
ARP spoofing is a type of attack in which a malicious actor sends falsified ARP messages over a local area network. We use Kali/Parrot Linux to make a simple ARP Spoofing.
Conky has changed its syntax, and new configure file should be written.
Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any kind of information on your desktop. We'll now talk about something on conky, also the troubleshoot with the use of conky.
Sometimes we need to delete single file or folder in a git respository. This article shows how to do that.
Here’s to 2021! Happy new year!!!
Android x86 makes it possible to run Android on your PC. You can install Android x86 in virtual machines to make your debugging easy. Of course, if you really want to play mobile games on computers...